Sunday, April 27, 2008

Brownsville City Limits

Here's another suggestion, keeping in tune with my previous idea of having a revamped "6th street in Brownsville".
A music festival.
There's already one at the island, but that's not what we're aiming for. We're aiming for people to come to Brownsville, and as such, we need live music.
Right now, the only bands available, at least most of them, are your characteristic "OH MY GOD BLARRRGHHHH DEATH DEATH MAYHEM PAAAAIN" garage bands. Cool it, guys. Society ain't so bad. Plus, Chapa's Bar-The Pit is a bit off the beaten path for a lot of people. I would say a different venue might be nice, maybe in the area before the bowling alley.
Now, I have my differences with people who transfer back to UT-B from other universities and scoff at everything they see here, and see the entire university as beneath them, talking about how "[insert university here] was so much better because it had [arbitrary thing] and we didn't."
I don't fancy this kind of talk, but at the same time, we can learn from it. We have a great university in our backyards, and we still haven't found a way of curbing the exodus of students. I think that my pipedreams are a good way to at least curtail the BISD/BANSA Diaspora of brainpower.
Not because leaving is such a bad thing, but rather because graduating from here will definitely inspire people to come back once they've achieved higher goals elsewhere, and use their talents in order for our city to grow.

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