Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The UTB/TSC Dolphins

So this blog will deviate a little bit from the usual politics+society and talk about another aspect: sports. specifically scorpion sports.

Let me begin by saying,


No, I'm not talking about the Miami Dolphin's streak in the 2007 NFL Season. I'm talking about our own record halfway through the 2008 NAIA Baseball Season.
If we were the Miami Dolphins, at least we'd have a 1972 season to look back and remember fondly.
But we don't. We're barely to be heading into our third year in the RRAC of the NAIA. This is not bush-league baseball anymore. We need to do our best.

I still invite everyone to show up to the games and support the Scorpions. It's free admission, it's within walking distance from the dorms/condos, and it gives the impression that we care about ALL our athletics. The stands are usually empty, and who knows, that might be a tad demoralizing for our own players. We have to put up at least a more adequate showing.

Now, why is our team doing so bad?
That's a question that's best left up to the team to answer, especially once the notorious Athletic Fee kicks in.

But I have to say, peloteros, the student body will hold you accountable. Just because you have a free ride through college does not give you a license to mess around and get slaughtered by every college (and the occasional alumni team that hasn't played in decades) you face. It's a fair bargain.

Some people have argued about the racial makeup of the team being a factor.
If it was, our multicultural volleyball team wouldn't be ranked 8th in the nation (NAIA), and our multicultural soccer teams wouldn't be leading in the Red River Athletic Conference (7-0 for the men, 5-2 for the women). Ditto for the golf teams.

It's about wanting to play. The volleyball girls want to play. The soccer players want to play. The golfers want to golf.
The problem: The baseball players don't want to play.

We're at a halfway point. So I'll be optimistic for a final season record that doesn't begin in a single digit.
We may not have a 1972 memory to fall back on, but I sincerely believe we can create a 2008 or 2009 season to remember [fondly]. We just have to get our shit together.

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